Sunday, January 26, 2020

“Let’s Talk” (Matthew 4:12-23)

This passage in the Gospel of Matthew is full of information.  First, we learn of the arrest of John the Baptist.  We know that John was the instigator of a new movement . . . we know of the success of his ministry as he is preparing the way for the one who is to come to lead the people into the Kingdom of God.  And, this morning, we learn that he has been placed in prison.  Placing a mover and shaker like John—the leader of a growing movement—kind of puts a damper on the future of what he is preaching.  But, remember, as the Baptist himself proclaims . . . he is not the leader, he is only the one who points to the one who is to come . . . the true leader.

Thus, it should not come as a surprise that Jesus steps up into the leadership position abruptly vacated by John.  We learn that Jesus left the Nazareth area and head over to the area of Galilee . . . in particular, he goes to Capernaum.  There he begins preaching.  Jesus has picked up the reins of the movement for the Kingdom of God.

It is interesting that Jesus chooses to go to Capernaum.  Capernaum is the largest town on the Sea of Galilee.  It also had the largest harbor from which boats came and went regularly, plying their trade.  They also carried news to and from distance places throughout the region.  In this sense, Capernaum was an excellent communications center.  Word would travel swiftly from Capernaum throughout the entire region.  What better place is there to start and continue a movement!  News of Jesus . . . his preaching and message . . . would spread quickly throughout the area.  Thus, Jesus begins.

Jesus has come out of the wilderness.  He has heard the news about John, and he deliberately steps into the leadership void caused by John’s arrest.  Before he can fully articulate his message . . . before he can completely offer his invitation . . . he knows that there is one more thing that he must do . . . he needs to form a community—the new community.  The community will bear witness to his message and invitation of the Kingdom of God.

Thus, he begins . . . he begins to build this new community.

We need to understand that this new community is not like other communities.  This community is not based on family or economic ties . . . not based on politics . . . not based on education . . . race or gender.  No, this new community is based on Jesus . . . his words and witness of God’s Kingdom.  It is based on Jesus.

The message and invitation are shared through the “Word” . . . the “Word” is shared through the preaching, teaching, and conversations that Jesus has with others.  Jesus talks . . . Jesus communicates.  Communication builds relationships.  Relationships build communities.  Communities fuel movements.

Jesus spoke to people.  He spoke to people in open and honest ways that conveyed to them respect and trust.  In such a way he was able to build a relationship.  This was the key for his ministry . . . and, it is the key to our ministry as his followers. 

So, it all comes down to talking.  Now, I know that we all think that we know how to talk because we do it all the time . . . some of us more than others.  The bottom line is that we all know how to talk . . . but, do we know how to talk like Jesus talked?  Maybe, maybe not, but we can all learn how to talk like Jesus.

I want to share a simple model of communication that is simple and honest that conveys respect and builds trust . . . that create relationships.  It is called the O.A.R.S. model . . . O . . . A . . . R . . . S.  Let me explain what each of the letters represent in the acronym.

“O” . . . open-ended questions.  These are questions that allows others to share their experiences, thoughts, feeling, beliefs, and hopes.  These are not questions that can easily be answered with “yes” and “no”.  These are questions that help us gain an understanding of another person’s world . . . it shows others we are willing to learn and care about others.  So, for example, when we encounter someone who we see is angry, we do not ask them whether they are angry—are you angry?  No, we ask them what is making them angry. 

Think about it . . . if I ask you if you are angry, you are going to answer with a “yes” or “no”.  But, if I ask you why or what you are angry about . . . well, the odds are going to be that you will tell me.

Another part of good communication is “affirming” . . . that is the “A” in O.A.R.S.  Affirming another builds respect, understanding, and acceptance.  It is demonstrating empathy.  When we use affirmation in our communicating with others we are stepping toward a relationship. 

The “R” stands for “reflective listening”.  Reflective listening is tough because it asks us to listen in such a way that we begin to get a deeper understanding of another person’s life.  Thus, we have to listen, observe, and share our perceptions of what others share.  This is not just echoing back what is said to us, but it is sharing how we connect with others . . . it is sharing how we connect to what is said and who is saying it.

Lastly, “S”.  “S” stands for “summarizing”.  This is moving the conversation to a conclusion . . . of letting the other know that you understand . . . that you understand the person and what his or her goals and preferences are.  It lets others know that we have connected to them.

Jesus was an excellent communicator . . . he knew how to connect to people . . . how to understand them . . . and, how to build a relationship with them that conveyed belief in them.  Such was the tool that he used to build his community.  First, he began with the four that we see mentioned in this passage this morning.  He paused, spoke to them, and invited them to come and join him.  Jesus understood them as individuals . . . understood their situations of living in an oppressive situation . . . and, he understood their desires to have something better. 

Because of this he built respect . . . he gained support . . . and, he conveyed a message that fit the hopes and dreams of those he was speaking to . . . and, he invited them to join him . . . to join him and build a “new community”.  First came Peter and Andrew.  Next came James and John.  One by one, the community grew . . . and then, it exploded.  It exploded as Jesus began to share his message as he preached and taught.  From the shores of Capernaum the news spread . . . the community was growing . . . the Kingdom was coming.

The Kingdom of God was coming.  It was coming because Jesus said, “Let’s talk.”  Then it was a matter of talking in such a way that conveyed to others that cared about and understood where others were coming from . . . their experiences, thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and hopes.  It was a matter of affirming them that they were important, desired, and necessary to what God wanted.  It was sharing empathy that let others know that the conversation was not mere rote, but that it truly touched the heart . . . that a connection was created.  And, lastly letting the other know that you understood and are supportive.  Through this a relationship was born.

As Jesus steps up to take the leadership of the movement that John the Baptist started, he moves it beyond mere rhetoric into the realm of action.  It is action that is built on relationship . . . one knowing another . . . caring and loving . . . wanting the best for the other.  In this method a movement grows . . . a community is built . . . and, a kingdom begins.

Once again, Jesus shows us the way.  It is simple . . . we begin as we encounter another with the simple phrase, “Let’s talk.”  This is how community is built . . . how the Kingdom of God is established.  We talk.  Amen.  

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